Saito and company take refugee in the Charming Fairy Inn while the search for them continues. A plan is created to use the Ostland to fly towards Germinia as a decoy, while Saito goes across the border directly. Scarron provides disguises for them, while Colbert, Seista, Gimli and Reinard proceed to liberate the Ostland. Siesta shows doubts at first of not having any powers but gets encouraged by Saito that she could still help. She hugs him so Louise kicks him in the groin from behind. In Gallia, Joseph and Sheffield uncover a massive object, which Joseph calls Jormungand, covered with pulsing veins and with a single large eye. Posing as a travelling circus, Saito and company cross the border, while Louise broods over no longer being an aristocrat, realising she only has Saito left. Back at the castle, using Siesta as a distraction, Gimli and Reinard take out two guards and they board the Ostland, after dispatching two more groups of guards. Colbert quickly fires up the Ostland, eventually ripping free of the chains that are tying it down. Agnes falls for the ploy, ordering guards to watch the Germinia border. Louise sprains her ankle, and Saito tells her to rely on her, carrying her on his back. She wonders how Saito is so strong, despite being alone in this world. The Ostland is eventually stopped by Tristan dragon knights, and Agnes nearly kills Colbert upon seeing him. Meanwhile, Saito and company arrive in Gallia.
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